
“This ‘thing’ that we have, its dark and its twisted…”

And it’s all you’ve ever needed.

"This can only hurt. Over and over again Malfoy. This can only be broken and more decimated then it already is.”

As if that’s even possible. (Drowning in Salted Water~Ch. 53)

Sunday, 29 August 2010

Draco and Hermione- Part One


  1. wow really good vixen i love it..my chapter 1 should be up tonight..its quite different since this was what i was planning all along, but anyways just read and see okay?

    did someone make this for you? tell them i think they did a great good :)

    and thanks for clearing that up about them pics, cause some of them i just spice up, i dnt actually make them.

  2. thanks :) i did this :)

    I only put it up bcoz on Deviantart there are tonnes of upsets over it. i hope you don't mind :S

    I look forward to chapter one. Just email me a link :)

    I've had a not so happy review today. Someone read chapter 9 and got upset at it so I know they wont like the rest. Its on AFF.net but they didn't heed the warnings it seems and I can't get hold of them to warn them not to read anymore :S

  3. actually i always give credit for those who deserve it..i hope they arent offended, i just add graphics and things to the pics..i would never steal anyones work like that..see i want to spice up your banner but i want too ask the girl who actually made the banner first because i want to give her credit for actually making it..i think its amazing by the way :)))

  4. Thanks, a girl over at AFF.net made it. I will hunt down her forum name and then we can hunt her down on AFF.net. Is that for fun or for the blogsite you wana do it for? Coz i can ask but she may be offended if i say, yeh somone wants to change the banner is that cool? :S

    Anyways, sorry i sound weird, im dead tired.

    Was it you that asked if I was British? If so yes, I am and I have a heavy english accent. If it was you. N if you wana hear it there are vids of me on youtube doing vblogs. :S

    B xxx

  5. really ? i will have to see those, really. i love british accents...especially tom's! hottie alert mmmm...lol :p

    well just take what i said at heart girl
    remember those kinds of people wouldnt see a great fanfic like your if was dancing around in front of there faces

    they need to loosen up , thats what this is about.we are writers we express ourselves the best way we can...we cant say something like " and draco decided to eat lunch with pansy and have a long talk about their relationshp"

    can u say boooring! thats what they want but we can only go with our heart and soul in writing.besides who wants to see draco with pansy the pug yuck!

    so just ignore them, thats what i do. except i do pay attention to reviews on my grammer and such..for my imagination is wonderful..just my english skills are terrible,lol

    plus im not so good with sex scenes, i wont discuss why here ill tell you later. but you could tell right that i suck at the sex parts in my fanfic right?
