
“This ‘thing’ that we have, its dark and its twisted…”

And it’s all you’ve ever needed.

"This can only hurt. Over and over again Malfoy. This can only be broken and more decimated then it already is.”

As if that’s even possible. (Drowning in Salted Water~Ch. 53)

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Blog, music and amusing piccies :D

"It will always be for you Draco. It's always been for you."- Hermione

Found an old photo of my mates and couldn't help but post it as Harry and Draco look-a-likes.

I know, I know... I'm lucky to have such sexy guy mates :P lol This is old though so they look different now :(

Also, I got left a review today by Elegant Mess (thank you!) who said how this song seems to be like the theme song for my fic. I listened to it... and HAD to download it!!! I would love to have someone make me another trailer/vid to this song!!! OMG it's amazing! So thank you for that my dear :)

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