“This ‘thing’ that we have, its dark and its twisted…”
And it’s all you’ve ever needed.
"This can only hurt. Over and over again Malfoy. This can only be broken and more decimated then it already is.”
As if that’s even possible. (Drowning in Salted Water~Ch. 53)
As if that’s even possible. (Drowning in Salted Water~Ch. 53)
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Saturday, 24 July 2010
When In Doubt...

... So that is exactly what I did.
So I've been at the library this morning researching castles once again. I got an A grade at GCSE for the work and then essay we did on Motte and Bailey castles and how they improved through time ect. However, since being on all the medication I have a brain like a sieve now, instead of a sponge- hence all the bad english mistakes too.
So I wanted to double check my information and this morning my net was coming on... going off... coming on... going off... being hit by a hammer!
I have spent about 2 hours at the library scrounging around for books that I need, particularly on the castles... 2. 2 books. 1 an hour! That is all they had in my little town library - in which I used to work.
I came home, eager to get going and guess what? ... The net is working again **face-palm.**
review Replies 2

^ Above: Just a photo of something to represent Dark Hermione. (Used in my youtube vid but not my own- Found on Google)
starlight-x-A-x 2010-07-23 id # 3001336751
no no no no no no nooooo,
harry cant be dead, he cant be dead, he's not is he? pleassseee???
i listened to desree whilst reading that (added to the whole sadness and emotion of it all), and now im crying, it's sooooo sadddd! :'(
and i still dont have the foggiest idea whats going on!
Although I'm still adoring draco, i hope he does something to help out the order more soon, i hope his allegiance stays with the light and he steps up to the plate like harry asked him too.
And i know that he's still desperately in love with hermione and has been for years and i also know that we dont actually know hermiones true allegiance and her plans for everything - so its hard to make a proper judgement, prediction or request for what you want to happen when we dont really know where were up too at the minute. , but i want him to kinda step back abit from her and focus more on the other task at hand and the order. But then again isnt that what hermione wanted him to do, hate her for what she was going to do?? or was it just that she thought he would hate her after what she does not that she wanted him too?? I cant remember. But taking that into account i wouldnt want him to be pliant in her hands and do what she wants him to do, id want him to do the opposite...
I almost just want you to pm me and tell me the ending and whats happening, lol. But that would ruin it. So i wont. (Although once this is all over i might ask you to write a summary of sorts for me, explaining what actually happened, cos i have the feeling im still not going to quite understand absolutely everything by the final chapter, afterall its so intricate and detailed and complicated, i really think i might need some of it clarifying lol)
But now i feel so depressed.
And yeah i think ive mentioned it in the last few reviews, so i do really want draco to take some decisive action with the order. But then again i also think that the fact that he's so powerful and his allegiance is truly with the light and he does try to help them as much as he can as well as being their 'dark spy', Yet they are still suffering and fighting a continually losing battle agaisnt the dark even with Draco onboard distinguishes just how much trouble they are in and have been for a long time.
And ive just realised that in every review i write i give a point, and then totally counter it, consider it and analyse it from another perspective in the next sentence. Basically makes all of my reviews null and void lol
i dont know what else to say other than great writing (as per usual) :)
Well hello indeed and thank you for another lovely review.
I'm almost sorry I made you cry but am v. v. flattered that you did :)
The problem is with all of your ideas and theories I can't mention anything. I WANT to! I want to be able to turn to someone and say this is what I'm doing, this is where I'm going and mwahahahahaaa! BUT I don't want to ruin the mystery I've been trying to build up. I don't know if it's worked or not. All I can tell you is that I am working hard so that all will be revealed and hopefully no one will be confused ^_^
i love that you leave these reviews and let me know what you're thinking. :) It only adds to the excitement of writing it. My Cat Dobbie say's hi btw :P
MY CAT- I did NOT name him. If I had I would have spelt his name correctly DOBBY not DOBBIE. :P I re-homed him. I'd always said if I got another cat (Sadly Mr Tibbs died) I would name him/her something to do with HP. :P Coz I'm sad like that. When we got to the cat sanctuary the only one there suitable to live with us (we have a dog n two other cats- now 1 other cat and 1 new kitten SQUEEE!) I went to see the cat. His name was Dobby and he jumped up and sat purring away on my shoulder. He's awesome! A bit like a parrot at times lol. He has one white paw like a sock.
He pesters me when I work. So I get nothing done :P
(I now call the kitten Malfoy- He is white except for a dark mark (get it? :P ) above his eye. And he has a grey and white striped tail)
Thanks for the review and sorry for the long reply ^_^
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
This is not mine and I found it when reading another person's fic so I will not use it in the fic. However, I wanted to post it and show you guys coz I thought it fit really well ^_^
Damaged people are the most dangerous, they know how to survive.” - Josephine Hart
Btw, would anyone be interested in being part of a mailing list and i shall email out when I update? Just a query because I've done it in the past. If anyone is interested email me or comment here ^_^
Damaged people are the most dangerous, they know how to survive.” - Josephine Hart
Btw, would anyone be interested in being part of a mailing list and i shall email out when I update? Just a query because I've done it in the past. If anyone is interested email me or comment here ^_^
New fics
I just wanted to post here to tell you guys that after this fic I will be having a short break but only a short one.
I have had another idea in my head for a long time now to do with Draco in the Muggle world.
My other fic idea already has a name.
Hermione of the Grange.
Just thought I'd throw it out there and let you know ^_^
B xxx
I have had another idea in my head for a long time now to do with Draco in the Muggle world.
My other fic idea already has a name.
Hermione of the Grange.
Just thought I'd throw it out there and let you know ^_^
B xxx
Review Replies
Thought i'd get back to you lovely people who take your time to review my fic. It always leaves me feeling warm and fuzzy and I am simply honoured that you do so :) Thank you immensely.
Starlight-x-A-x - HAHA! This is my cruel side coming out. I want to keep you all guessing for as long as possible. As much as I'm sure you can picture me here with a fag protruding from my mouth and a derisive mouth slipping from my lips everytime I exhale I assure you I am not. The image here is more one of avid stress! lol. My keyboard is smoking, not me. I have been typing, checking, rechecking and really putting my all into these chapters so that when all is revealed it all makes sense.
A question for you. Why wouldn't she want to kill Harry?
He abandoned her after being her best friend for years. When he left she was tortured both mentally and physically- because apparently I didn't realise I was such a sadist until I wrote this. Because of him the pathway to Malfoy was left clearer. Ok not completely, she still had Ginny and Neville, but Hermione is a proud lady. Not only did she not want to endanger them, and to prove to them that she could be as strong as Harry and protect them. She also couldn't bare the shame of admitting what she'd done.
I am hoping that the frustration you feel is only that which I intended through the character and that it's not severe enough to put you off reading. :S I 'want' you to be annoyed at Hermione, like Draco is. Everyone should be. BUT I don't want it to be to the point that everyone is put off reading the fic.
I will reply to your later review in another post but for now I must get back to typing chapter 50. Chapter 49 will probably be up by friday night ready for people to read at the weekend. Unless you would like me to wait and only post it when chapter 50 is up? Either way I don't see there being a long wait between posts. Thanks so much for the wonderful reviews.
B xxx
starlight-x-A-x 2010-07-08 id # 3001335436
i really cant tell whats going on!!
soemtimes i wonder what hermiones true allegiances are, if killing harry is really what she wants to do? I really cant tell.
but i can tell you that as previously she really winds me up!! seriously could she be anymore frustrating, and if the order do win, shes not guna just get away with all this if she truly was on the dark side, unless of course she dies, which would solve that problem, and im not sure if your fic will have a 'happy' ending.
i hope draco manages to save ginny and harry, after all, what harry said still stands, he cant be killed to save the life of one when the whole world restS on his shoulders, (except of course if that one person is your wife).
but all my doubts and frustrations of the character should be a credit to your writing for making me feel that way. But by frigging jesus on a bicycle her vendetta and hatred and resolute belief that harry /should die/ extremely gets on my wick!
: P
Starlight-x-A-x - HAHA! This is my cruel side coming out. I want to keep you all guessing for as long as possible. As much as I'm sure you can picture me here with a fag protruding from my mouth and a derisive mouth slipping from my lips everytime I exhale I assure you I am not. The image here is more one of avid stress! lol. My keyboard is smoking, not me. I have been typing, checking, rechecking and really putting my all into these chapters so that when all is revealed it all makes sense.
A question for you. Why wouldn't she want to kill Harry?
He abandoned her after being her best friend for years. When he left she was tortured both mentally and physically- because apparently I didn't realise I was such a sadist until I wrote this. Because of him the pathway to Malfoy was left clearer. Ok not completely, she still had Ginny and Neville, but Hermione is a proud lady. Not only did she not want to endanger them, and to prove to them that she could be as strong as Harry and protect them. She also couldn't bare the shame of admitting what she'd done.
I am hoping that the frustration you feel is only that which I intended through the character and that it's not severe enough to put you off reading. :S I 'want' you to be annoyed at Hermione, like Draco is. Everyone should be. BUT I don't want it to be to the point that everyone is put off reading the fic.
I will reply to your later review in another post but for now I must get back to typing chapter 50. Chapter 49 will probably be up by friday night ready for people to read at the weekend. Unless you would like me to wait and only post it when chapter 50 is up? Either way I don't see there being a long wait between posts. Thanks so much for the wonderful reviews.
B xxx
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Ok so, brownie points to anyone who can tell me if there was ever a point that Draco got his wand taken off of him using expelliarmus? PLease help? :S
B xxx
B xxx
Monday, 19 July 2010
Work, work, work
So i've spent all of yesterday morning and the previous night working on the fic. I then edited some of it this morning following corrections made by Hawthorn and Vine's mods. :) I am shattered but happily so. Hoping you like the next chapter. Would be good to hear form you all. In the mean time I forgot I had this:
Nervous Hermione:
Nervous Hermione:

Saturday, 17 July 2010
Meticulous much?
this is how damned meticulous I am!!!
Date Sunrise Sunset Length Change Dawn Dusk Length Change
Today 05:04 21:08 16:04 04:20 21:52 17:32
+1 day 05:05 21:07 16:02 00:02 shorter 04:22 21:51 17:29 00:03 shorter
+1 week 05:14 20:59 15:45 00:19 shorter 04:31 21:42 17:11 00:21 shorter
+2 weeks 05:24 20:49 15:25 00:39 shorter 04:43 21:29 16:46 00:46 shorter
+1 month 05:49 20:19 14:30 01:34 shorter 05:11 20:56 15:45 01:47 shorter
+2 months 06:37 19:13 12:36 03:28 shorter 06:03 19:47 13:44 03:48 shorter
+3 months 07:26 18:05 10:39 05:25 shorter 06:52 18:39 11:47 05:45 shorter
+6 months 07:59 16:22 8:23 07:41 shorter 07:20 17:00 9:40 07:52 shorter
Notes: Daylight saving time, * = Next day. Change preferences.
I even checked for chapter 58
There was a lot of info in there that I used from all I learnt in history at GCSE and A level. I LOVE history. When you think of the headquarters you may wana look at photos of castles such as: Arundel Castle http://www.anglotopia.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/2626941463_90f68bc54e.jpg and Alnwick Castle (which is used in the Potter films.)
For those of you not in England who aren't so sure what I'm on about with the castle I am sorry. I tried not to write it as though it was restricted to being based in England just so those of you all over the world can imagine what you like. However, I felt it was important to describe the castle. Imagine buildings a bit like those in LOTR films and then downsize them into a castle.
To those of you in England who may scream about Warwick castle being a good castle for the base of it I decided against it. Not because I don't like it. I really do. However, I didn't want it to look too much like a motte and bailey castle. I wanted the adjustments made to show it more as a dark palace. Voldy would be arrogant and believe the outer defences were not needed. In the fic there is a wall around the sides of the castle but only a few deatheaters are put to guard there. Over time and little attacks they would have become confident and complacent.
Just thought i'd share :)
this is how damned meticulous I am!!!
Date Sunrise Sunset Length Change Dawn Dusk Length Change
Today 05:04 21:08 16:04 04:20 21:52 17:32
+1 day 05:05 21:07 16:02 00:02 shorter 04:22 21:51 17:29 00:03 shorter
+1 week 05:14 20:59 15:45 00:19 shorter 04:31 21:42 17:11 00:21 shorter
+2 weeks 05:24 20:49 15:25 00:39 shorter 04:43 21:29 16:46 00:46 shorter
+1 month 05:49 20:19 14:30 01:34 shorter 05:11 20:56 15:45 01:47 shorter
+2 months 06:37 19:13 12:36 03:28 shorter 06:03 19:47 13:44 03:48 shorter
+3 months 07:26 18:05 10:39 05:25 shorter 06:52 18:39 11:47 05:45 shorter
+6 months 07:59 16:22 8:23 07:41 shorter 07:20 17:00 9:40 07:52 shorter
Notes: Daylight saving time, * = Next day. Change preferences.
I even checked for chapter 58
There was a lot of info in there that I used from all I learnt in history at GCSE and A level. I LOVE history. When you think of the headquarters you may wana look at photos of castles such as: Arundel Castle http://www.anglotopia.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/2626941463_90f68bc54e.jpg and Alnwick Castle (which is used in the Potter films.)
For those of you not in England who aren't so sure what I'm on about with the castle I am sorry. I tried not to write it as though it was restricted to being based in England just so those of you all over the world can imagine what you like. However, I felt it was important to describe the castle. Imagine buildings a bit like those in LOTR films and then downsize them into a castle.
To those of you in England who may scream about Warwick castle being a good castle for the base of it I decided against it. Not because I don't like it. I really do. However, I didn't want it to look too much like a motte and bailey castle. I wanted the adjustments made to show it more as a dark palace. Voldy would be arrogant and believe the outer defences were not needed. In the fic there is a wall around the sides of the castle but only a few deatheaters are put to guard there. Over time and little attacks they would have become confident and complacent.
Just thought i'd share :)
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Title Suggestions
The fact that I do art is the reason behind my life being a big fat mess.
Being creative is a marvellous thing and I'm so happy when I'm at work and things are going well. However, its from being creative that I've found I can't stand still for a mere minute. My head races, my imagination runs wild and I find myself with a dozen notebooks from the HUGE bag I always carry round with me. I sprout a dozen arms and grab a dozen pens scribbling furiously to keep up with the ideas and images that race through my over caffeinated mind.
My room is like a war zone. Even when it's tidy. To me it's organised... Ok it's an organised mess but before you think me uncouth and unclean I assure you it is not that bad. Fact of the matter is because I do art I have piles upon piles of materials, on going project, notebooks with story ideas. I have drawers full of craft bits, old magazines, card making materials, glue guns, staple gun. I have a drawer just full of hospital letters, (and they're not small drawers.) I have a drawer reserved to everything I have gathered for a certain book project I am working on. (Not the fanfic, I do write more than smut XP)
I am an avid anime and manga collector and my shelves and units are over flowing with manga books and anime dvds. I have reference books falling from the bookcase as well as epic stories that remain my favourite. Ie. Jane Eyre, Wicca collection by Cate Tiernan ect. (And Harry Potter of course.)
So I've been up all night, unable to sleep because of my illnesses and my stupid back. But I'm too tired to really apply myself to anything. I try to sleep but my mind is still whirring about what I could or should be doing next on my list of over-imagined creativeness.
Maybe I'll drink some hot milk and take some valarian...
You can have that on top of Morphine right? :S
Being creative is a marvellous thing and I'm so happy when I'm at work and things are going well. However, its from being creative that I've found I can't stand still for a mere minute. My head races, my imagination runs wild and I find myself with a dozen notebooks from the HUGE bag I always carry round with me. I sprout a dozen arms and grab a dozen pens scribbling furiously to keep up with the ideas and images that race through my over caffeinated mind.
My room is like a war zone. Even when it's tidy. To me it's organised... Ok it's an organised mess but before you think me uncouth and unclean I assure you it is not that bad. Fact of the matter is because I do art I have piles upon piles of materials, on going project, notebooks with story ideas. I have drawers full of craft bits, old magazines, card making materials, glue guns, staple gun. I have a drawer just full of hospital letters, (and they're not small drawers.) I have a drawer reserved to everything I have gathered for a certain book project I am working on. (Not the fanfic, I do write more than smut XP)
I am an avid anime and manga collector and my shelves and units are over flowing with manga books and anime dvds. I have reference books falling from the bookcase as well as epic stories that remain my favourite. Ie. Jane Eyre, Wicca collection by Cate Tiernan ect. (And Harry Potter of course.)
So I've been up all night, unable to sleep because of my illnesses and my stupid back. But I'm too tired to really apply myself to anything. I try to sleep but my mind is still whirring about what I could or should be doing next on my list of over-imagined creativeness.
Maybe I'll drink some hot milk and take some valarian...
You can have that on top of Morphine right? :S
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Fan Art?
I just wanted to share with you the AMAZING picture my friend on Deviantart did for me :

Voila! This is me as a Gryffindor student. :) Obviously she was very flattering with the piccy coz I don't look pretty like that. BUT she got everything I pictured absolutely spot on. The Vixen Patronus and everything :)
You can find Rachel's work here http://rachelisnotdead.deviantart.com/ and, although I can't guarantee it, this commission was in exchange for a month's DA subscription. I'm sure if you want something doing you may be able to coax her into it :)
Just wanted to share :)
V xxx

Voila! This is me as a Gryffindor student. :) Obviously she was very flattering with the piccy coz I don't look pretty like that. BUT she got everything I pictured absolutely spot on. The Vixen Patronus and everything :)
You can find Rachel's work here http://rachelisnotdead.deviantart.com/ and, although I can't guarantee it, this commission was in exchange for a month's DA subscription. I'm sure if you want something doing you may be able to coax her into it :)
Just wanted to share :)
V xxx
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Fan Art
These are old sketches done for me by a friend in my second year of uni :) He's from Vietnam and started a Graphics Degree after studying his foundation with me. He seemed a little perplexed to begin with as to why I'd written a HP fanfic but then he got used to my weirdness and our British ways. And created these! :D

just thought I'd share :)

just thought I'd share :)
So I went to work setting up a playlist of all the music I listened to whilst writing the fic just so you guys can listen to it if you wana. Sadly not many sites (Particularly for ppl in the UK) seem to be letting us make/use/post playlists anymore. The site I used was ok, but... Not all the songs were on there :(
But hey ho, here you go ^_^
V xxx
But hey ho, here you go ^_^
V xxx
Monday, 12 July 2010
chapter 33- Deatheater stuff
So I wanted to share with you all my idea of Hermione's emerald green dress in this chapter. I did a rough sketch but the colours would be slightly different, however, but I didn't really have the right coloured copic pens.

I also did a rough sketch of her dark mark. You can see the scribble on the right side of her waist. That would be her dark mark. On the left slightly in towards the middle you can see her thin white scar from where Draco stabbed her. It could not be seen in the dark of the deatheater's hall. but draco later sees it upon her in the light of dawn when he is under the dark power and tried to attack her.

It's not very good but at least you can get an idea of how it looks :)
V xxx
Saturday, 10 July 2010
So chapter 56 is written! I'm just proof reading and doing any editing that needs doing and I've started chapter 57 :) Looking forward to reading your reviews as always and it would be good to see some fanart if any of you have any? :)
V xxx
V xxx
Friday, 9 July 2010
chapter45- the ball (Contains Spoilers)
Wanted to show you some examples of what Hermione's dress looked like in my head. All these images are off Google images and are NOT mine. All were found AFTER I wrote it so its not exact.
So the ball was there as an excuse for me to torture Draco. He would get to see how beautiful she was in a ball gown AND still have to torture people in front of her. In this scene I wanted to play a bit with the idea of chess pieces and when I finish the fic I MAY go back and edit it to exaggerate it a bit more. Either the chess idea OR like a royal Court. You have Voldy who is obviously like the complete leader. Now I refer to Hermione as a queen a lot. That does not mean she is in the same league as Voldy, nor would we want her to be. BUT if you think back to how she was referred to as the Princess of Gryffindor in the first part the idea that she is now a Queen shows how much growth and development she's gone through.
So, we have: Draco the Prince of Darkness, Hermione would maybe be the princess with Bella as the queen BUT not going by their power. it would be on their relationships with each other alone. Bella has obviously loved and adored Voldy and been his servant for a looooong time. So makes sense that she would be his queen. However, Voldy never thinks like that. He seeks power. So over them both he would choose Hermione as a queen if he had to. (This is all my thinking anyways.)
Snape is like his grand advisor and Blaise and Amycus are like Knights so they are in charge of some of their own deatheaters. Does that make sense? It was my thinking anyways but feel free to tell me what you think about that.
This one I felt was close to the kinda thing Bella would have worn. Maybe a bit more lace or sommat going on around the top tho as she would have been getting on a bit age wise by then. So a cross between that, Bella in the films (God bless you Helena!) Possibly even a high necked lace collar type thing? What do you think?

Above is a beautiful necklace I found online and figured had she been wearing one that would have looked amazing. Perhaps she already has it to go with the dress? OR a black ribbon choker with a blue droplet or a broach type choker necklace?
The black dress at the bottom is a kinda idea of how it would look but I couldn't find anything in blue that kinda matched it... Soooooo...

I drew it. Imagine it darker than that but with black lace details ect. :) What do you think? That was where my head was at with it all anyways in case you were interested? :)
So the ball was there as an excuse for me to torture Draco. He would get to see how beautiful she was in a ball gown AND still have to torture people in front of her. In this scene I wanted to play a bit with the idea of chess pieces and when I finish the fic I MAY go back and edit it to exaggerate it a bit more. Either the chess idea OR like a royal Court. You have Voldy who is obviously like the complete leader. Now I refer to Hermione as a queen a lot. That does not mean she is in the same league as Voldy, nor would we want her to be. BUT if you think back to how she was referred to as the Princess of Gryffindor in the first part the idea that she is now a Queen shows how much growth and development she's gone through.
So, we have: Draco the Prince of Darkness, Hermione would maybe be the princess with Bella as the queen BUT not going by their power. it would be on their relationships with each other alone. Bella has obviously loved and adored Voldy and been his servant for a looooong time. So makes sense that she would be his queen. However, Voldy never thinks like that. He seeks power. So over them both he would choose Hermione as a queen if he had to. (This is all my thinking anyways.)
Snape is like his grand advisor and Blaise and Amycus are like Knights so they are in charge of some of their own deatheaters. Does that make sense? It was my thinking anyways but feel free to tell me what you think about that.
This one I felt was close to the kinda thing Bella would have worn. Maybe a bit more lace or sommat going on around the top tho as she would have been getting on a bit age wise by then. So a cross between that, Bella in the films (God bless you Helena!) Possibly even a high necked lace collar type thing? What do you think?

Above is a beautiful necklace I found online and figured had she been wearing one that would have looked amazing. Perhaps she already has it to go with the dress? OR a black ribbon choker with a blue droplet or a broach type choker necklace?
The black dress at the bottom is a kinda idea of how it would look but I couldn't find anything in blue that kinda matched it... Soooooo...

I drew it. Imagine it darker than that but with black lace details ect. :) What do you think? That was where my head was at with it all anyways in case you were interested? :)
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Prometheus Rising
This is the music that inspired me as I wrote chapter 55. Thought I'd post it so that you can listen to it as you read :)
This is the music that inspired me as I wrote chapter 55. Thought I'd post it so that you can listen to it as you read :)
First proper blog post
So hey all! :)
By now you should get the gist of what this site is about :) I started the fic two years ago and just really got into it. It's up on Adultfanfiction.net but I can't show you examples of outfits or fanart that people have done for me, or even the odd trailer video!
So i've just written chapter 55 and am now on a major chapter. :) It's exciting and I can't wait to see people's reactions! :P
If you have any fanart you want to contribute or would be able to make a trailer for me please do leave a comment or send me an email
:) Hope you're enjoying it.
By now you should get the gist of what this site is about :) I started the fic two years ago and just really got into it. It's up on Adultfanfiction.net but I can't show you examples of outfits or fanart that people have done for me, or even the odd trailer video!
So i've just written chapter 55 and am now on a major chapter. :) It's exciting and I can't wait to see people's reactions! :P
If you have any fanart you want to contribute or would be able to make a trailer for me please do leave a comment or send me an email
:) Hope you're enjoying it.
Chapter one and two
This is just a quick example of the kind of outfit Hermione was wearing in chapter one and two of the fic :)
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