this is how damned meticulous I am!!!
Date Sunrise Sunset Length Change Dawn Dusk Length Change
Today 05:04 21:08 16:04 04:20 21:52 17:32
+1 day 05:05 21:07 16:02 00:02 shorter 04:22 21:51 17:29 00:03 shorter
+1 week 05:14 20:59 15:45 00:19 shorter 04:31 21:42 17:11 00:21 shorter
+2 weeks 05:24 20:49 15:25 00:39 shorter 04:43 21:29 16:46 00:46 shorter
+1 month 05:49 20:19 14:30 01:34 shorter 05:11 20:56 15:45 01:47 shorter
+2 months 06:37 19:13 12:36 03:28 shorter 06:03 19:47 13:44 03:48 shorter
+3 months 07:26 18:05 10:39 05:25 shorter 06:52 18:39 11:47 05:45 shorter
+6 months 07:59 16:22 8:23 07:41 shorter 07:20 17:00 9:40 07:52 shorter
Notes: Daylight saving time, * = Next day. Change preferences.
I even checked for chapter 58
There was a lot of info in there that I used from all I learnt in history at GCSE and A level. I LOVE history. When you think of the headquarters you may wana look at photos of castles such as: Arundel Castle and Alnwick Castle (which is used in the Potter films.)
For those of you not in England who aren't so sure what I'm on about with the castle I am sorry. I tried not to write it as though it was restricted to being based in England just so those of you all over the world can imagine what you like. However, I felt it was important to describe the castle. Imagine buildings a bit like those in LOTR films and then downsize them into a castle.
To those of you in England who may scream about Warwick castle being a good castle for the base of it I decided against it. Not because I don't like it. I really do. However, I didn't want it to look too much like a motte and bailey castle. I wanted the adjustments made to show it more as a dark palace. Voldy would be arrogant and believe the outer defences were not needed. In the fic there is a wall around the sides of the castle but only a few deatheaters are put to guard there. Over time and little attacks they would have become confident and complacent.
Just thought i'd share :)
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