... So that is exactly what I did.
So I've been at the library this morning researching castles once again. I got an A grade at GCSE for the work and then essay we did on Motte and Bailey castles and how they improved through time ect. However, since being on all the medication I have a brain like a sieve now, instead of a sponge- hence all the bad english mistakes too.
So I wanted to double check my information and this morning my net was coming on... going off... coming on... going off... being hit by a hammer!
I have spent about 2 hours at the library scrounging around for books that I need, particularly on the castles... 2. 2 books. 1 an hour! That is all they had in my little town library - in which I used to work.
I came home, eager to get going and guess what? ... The net is working again **face-palm.**
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