
“This ‘thing’ that we have, its dark and its twisted…”

And it’s all you’ve ever needed.

"This can only hurt. Over and over again Malfoy. This can only be broken and more decimated then it already is.”

As if that’s even possible. (Drowning in Salted Water~Ch. 53)

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Updated Fic and Info update!


Sorry for my absence and terrible delay in updates. I HAVE just updated and almost finished the next chapter. But I wanted to explain to a couple of people who had very kindly asked me about the hospital stuff.

I went to London Hospital for an assessment and I wasn't there long at all. but then I got this flu thing, that was REALLY awful. I was stuck in the house for just over three weeks. And then I had to go cold turkey on some of my meds for a few days, which was much worse.

But yeh, hospital shizzle. I am staying at the hospital in Feb, they're gona talk to me about the op they wana do. They're also gona give my some support with my fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and CRPS. So I'm really appreciating that! :)

Snow! I love it! But hard to walk using a walking stick or crutches in the snow... damnit :(

As always, thank you for your continued support and kind msges :) xxx

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Almost Update!!

Hey All!!!

Sorry for the delay. Hospital plans are all a go. Got a call this morning to ask me in for my operation assessment at London hospital. Anyone gonna be about?

Anyways, I thought I'd let you know I am working my butt off for an update tonight. And also wanted to share my photos from Halloween with you. I was Hermione for a night... Alas there was no sexy Snape or dreamy Draco... though there is someone who could pass as Ron Weasley so score there! :)

Hermione looking for some 'light' reading

Looking smug there!
Hmmm, who to hex?
Or how to get Draco alone and naked?
That's the question!
Without the robes... Tut tut Head Girl!

Went to see the film last night. Thoughts on it? :) I thought was epic. So glad they made it more adult. Think they got the pacing and atmosphere right on the button. Was so0o0o00o good. :) Was worried because I hated Eclipse, (for many reasons,) mostly because of the pacing. But I think they did really well with the challenge that the Deathly Hallows posed to them. >_<

Anyways, I shall return to the fic. Stay tuned. I'm also on Twitter now! http://twitter.com/#!/Vixen_71

:) Take care all. I'll try and post tonight. If not... I shall see you after my hospital adventures... :S Eeeeek! :P

Friday, 29 October 2010



So I have made a special Halloween update. I was going to wait and post it when the next chapter is written up fully. But decided, as its a special time of year, when all thing magical come to life blah blah blah :P I wanted to post it as a thank you ^_^

Thank you so0o much guys! ^_^

This is my pumpkin btw :) meow!!! =^.^=

Thursday, 28 October 2010


Got myself a fanfic twitter so that i can go on H&V's twitter without ppl knowing the 'real' me :P

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Videoooooo! Thank you! ^_^

http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1682967276511&oid=145972058771484 A video made by Crystal. Thank you so0o0o much!!! ^_^ xxx

Saturday, 16 October 2010


Comments on Chapter 65. **spoilers**

So we've come a long way since bully over blood in school with these two, have we not? :) Well I've been working really hard on this and the next couple of chapters. I wanted to get them spot on, and at a flow so there's no stinted pacing. I want the next few chapters to flow.

So in this chapter I really wanted to show Hermione's decent. Into darkness, into madness. We don't know. Surely she was already there? But either way, a lot of questions are about to be answered ^_^.

Special thanks to everyone who emails and comments me, I mean that sincerely. Your opinions are very, very important. Without feedback from you guys, I dunno where I am in the story telling plan. I never know if I'm doing it well, sucking you in, boring you or anything. So thank you to everyone who gets back to me on a regular basis. And to those who only leave one review. Anything is better than nothing, even if it is critical. It helps. Thank you to everyone for taking the time to write. :)

Thank you. ^_^

If any of you know some other great Dramione M rated fiction sites then could you possibly let me know? Granger Enchanted had too many problems with mine. Mostly the change of POV. But if you can let me know, that would be great ^_^ I'm already on Hawthorn and Vine :)

Many thanks guys.

B xxxxx

Sunday, 10 October 2010


I held both a new born baby and a snake today...

... not at the same time mind you...

I think I was less scared of the snake.


Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Bath time

I seriously need to stop writing in the bath... I took my notebook with me... turned into a prune.... and dropped the notebook in the bath

... :(

B x

Monday, 4 October 2010

Happy Birthday To Me

So yep, it's my birthday.

Thought I'd better leave a blog msg because I haven't updated in a looong while now. I got a bit down with criticism n stuff. Had a lot going on and some not so great news recently. I have written the next chapter but it needs some editing. When i've got myself out of this sulky rut I shall update ^_^

B xxx

Monday, 20 September 2010

Serpent's Tongues and Lion's Tails Trailer

Many thanks for Alexaviera Raven who made this video for me and the fic. You can follow her story; The Diary of a Slytherin Prince, online at AFF.net ^_^

Sunday, 19 September 2010


May I please introduce you to my new, personal blog. I'm just starting out with it so it's brand new but I'm hoping to get a few more people interested in it ^_^ Any help you can give me would be much appreciated.


Thank you ^_^

44444 hits... How can I ever thank you enough? ^_^

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Aviendha's Review


Hey! I don't mean to be rude, but personally I think that less is more and in my opinion it would have been far better to shorten the whole Arthur dying - family saying goodbye etc. Besides, none of it seems too realistic (a little bit like those Mexican soap operas, if you know what I mean). Molly is first and foremost a sensible woman and I can tell you that no mother who loves her children more than her own life would leave two of them to fend for themselves, regardless of who it was that died, even her hubby. Leaving your two youngest children, one of them a pregnant and therefore encumbered daughter, in such a situation is plain stupid. And I don't care that Arthur was the love of her life.

Also, I fail to see the need to include Draco's memories of Arthur in all of this, it's too distracting given that you already have so much going on. Quite superfluous, too, since we all know what a great guy Arthur is and that Draco must have respected and liked him. I confess I only skimmed that section because it really didn't seem necessary for the storyline, nor as characterization. I think you could easily mold the last two chapters into one. You are so good with portraying the feelings and emotions of characters, you have proven it time and again, but somehow this Arthur thing has become way too pathetic in my opinion.

Whereas the scene between Draco and Hermione is beautifully done. The way we don't see into her mind this time, but are left free to imagine and guess works perfectly here. Of course, every scene between then is emotionally very repetitive, but that makes sense because of the vicious circle they're caught in.

That said, we all have our own opinions, and I'm sure someone will tell you exactly the opposite of my review. :) We're all grateful for your updates and I'm sure we're all aware of how difficult it must be to wrap up all of the loose ends when there are so many.

A/N: Hey, thanks for the review. I really appreciate honest reviews coming from my readers. (Even if it does make me lie my head on the desk in defeat :P) I took notice of what you said about Arthurs death and asked around, and although there was no one else that felt that way, i have since gone back and been editing that chapter. I just wanted to work more on getting the next update out rather than dwell too much on editing a chapter most readers have already read.

Chapter 63 is rather more of a carry on from where chapter 62 left off. However, do you think it would be too long if i put them both together and started chapter 64 as Hermione and Draco's scene? I must confess I've been a lil off recently. My partner of two years and I broke up and I've had some very important medical results, and although its not really an excuse, i have found the aspect of tying all the loose threads together a bit daunting.

Its also hard to meet with what everyone wants from this fic. I've had people daunted and in some cases, outraged by the darkness in this fic to people asking me why more people have not been killed or tortured. Although the flash backs to Arthur may be distracting my aim was to create the calm before the storm. I know readers know how important Arthur's character is but I know that every fic is different. I felt the need to explain some form of loss for Draco now that the only man he'd ever had as a great father figure has died. (It also might be necessary for later. **wink wink**

It is really hard to juggle what I want from the fic and what other people want. I don't want to write something for me only to find myself disheartened by a lot of comments wishing I'd done things better or differently. :( Its hard. Having said that, I really do appreciate your honesty and would love it if you could help me with said chapters. If you think I should put them together please can you email me?
I know its a lot to ask and I'm probably taking away the fun that is being a reader but if you can spare the time to just talk to me about those chapters I'd really appreciate it. (I will stand firm though, im afraid i cant take out Draco's flashbacks.) As for Molly remaining... well :P How do you know she isn't needed? For that matter I also needed a reason for Ron to go back. I may have painted him as a bumbling idiot but even he wouldn't have returned if the only reason had been to fetch Harry's body.

It's really hard to please everyone with this fic so I hope you can appreciate that. I really want everyone to enjoy it and love it for their own reasons but I know there are going to be some very disappointed ppl out there. I just hope they're in the minority :(

**sigh** I'm really worried people won't like where this is going :(

V xxx

Friday, 10 September 2010

Youtube Channel

Ok, so Redrain520 started up a Youtube channel. :) I've now joined as like... admin I dunno. BUT please be sure to pop by and have a lil look. :)

Its somewhere we can post your trailers/videos ect to advertise your fanfictions or just the videos themselves. Also means we can all chat :)


Fan Art

Thought i'd post up some of the fanart RedRain edited for me :)

Fan Art

Tuesday, 7 September 2010


That's right. For some reason tonight I decided sleep was not necessary, but a new trailer video was :S

Let me know what you think?

Blog, music and amusing piccies :D

"It will always be for you Draco. It's always been for you."- Hermione

Found an old photo of my mates and couldn't help but post it as Harry and Draco look-a-likes.

I know, I know... I'm lucky to have such sexy guy mates :P lol This is old though so they look different now :(

Also, I got left a review today by Elegant Mess (thank you!) who said how this song seems to be like the theme song for my fic. I listened to it... and HAD to download it!!! I would love to have someone make me another trailer/vid to this song!!! OMG it's amazing! So thank you for that my dear :)

Monday, 30 August 2010


Hey all.

I just wanted to put up this, not as a dig at anyone but as a kinda you know, be weary type thing.

Please, please, please read the ratings on my fic before reading?

They are there for a reason.
I've just had another, not the first and it won't be the last, kinda upset review. Please, please, please, if you don't like fics with N/C in it, please don't read it. I'm not sure what the term canon really means. I'm thinking it means very close to character? :S But if you think it's sommat Canon Draco or Hermione wouldn't do, I'm very sorry it doesn't live up to that. But please, I don't write this to upset ANYONE. I don't want people being upset or offended by my writing. Please please please, the ratings and warnings are there for a good reason so if you don't like fics that contain N/C and you feel what I've written was a violation of the character then that's fair enough. I'm not going to get angry or upset about it. Having been in a situation such as that before I can say no- this fic is nothing like real life and I'm sorry if you don't like that I wrote it like that.

I don't write to upset anyone and it upsets me when I get an upset reviewer so please guys, this isn't a bitch or a moan or anything like that. I just wana make sure you're aware of it.

Sunday, 29 August 2010

Draco and Hermione- Part One

A million fanart pics!

Well it seems like i have a million pic but I'm not gonna post them in one go. :)

The Dark Lord Voldy-Pants!

Hermione and Blaise Part Two- chapter 30

Hermione and her Lion- Part Two :)

Draco and Hermione- The Hospital Wing~ Chapter 22

Part One- in the Common Room (possibly chapter 3)

I'd like to point out these images have been manipulated by RedRain but weren't hers orignally. This image i mean in this was found online and she edited over. I just wanted to point that out so no one thought she was stealing work. stuff like that happens online :S

Anyways I hope you like it. There is a second update up. :)
B xxx

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Review Replies 3

Ok, so starting with the most recent, backwards :)

WickedDiSaster 2010-08-24 id # 3001339305
Too short a chapter? No, that wasn't it... Thank you so much for the update, and thank you even more for giving me the heads-up, it was really nice of you, it was.

No it wasn't short, at least I don't think so, not at all, but it surely left me wanting for more. More, more and MORE...

I know you're working on the rest, I hope it gets finished soon, mind you it won't be soon enough...

I'll be daydreaming about it for days, I just know it. *groans*

He let them in... That was great, I'm trying not to dwell on what you did to Harry, I'm trying to think I'll forgive you if you let Draco and Hermione be together, oh, poor Ginny, poor her. And to know that her love wouldn't have gone to her rescue had she not rushed into the battle?

Oh, gosh...

I'm hoping for miracles here, but I'm not being too optimistic about them, will you somehow revive Harry? I know Harry wouldn't want it, but if not, then kill Ginny too, rather dead than half alive. Don't pay attention to my ramblings. Don't.

I shudder to think of what you'll do to Hermione, not to mention Draco... I'll rather not talk about it, I might only make things worse, what with wishing Ginny dead and what not? No, I won't talk about them.

In fact, I'll stop now.

Just want to say that I really, REALLY appreciate the mail you sent us telling us about the update, please make it a habit, :p (^_^')



Pd: you mentioned you were writing a book? Make sure you tell us when it's out and available, will you?
A/N: Wow!

Well what can I say other than thank you for that breathtaking review :) I'm glad I left you wanting more and I really appreciate the understanding that you all have, knowing that I am working my ass off on this fic but have a million other things to juggle alongside it :)

In all honesty I hope you DO daydream about it for days, but that says more about my big-headedness than it does about you me thinks :P I can't say anything on the plot front reguarding Harry or anything else. I don't want to spoil it :P Mwahahahaha! Is it a lil sadistic of me to be laughing in the face of your turmoil? :S Maybe I am a sadist, I've definitely given Draco and Hermione a run through the mill haven't I? :S

I must say you're the first to request Ginny's death and I dunno if that's a good thing or not :P However, I'm giving nothing away. I've had the plot written for a couple of years... I just keep adding stuff!! lol. So I can't and won't tell you what happens but I hope that it lives up to everyone's expectations, which I know it won't because that's a lot of expectations :(

I will let you know next time I update :) And anyone else who wants to go on the update mailing list :) BTW, i spoke to Withdrawnred about your review and they said (I'm presuming she's a she) that you had nothing but great things to say about my fic. I cannot thank you enough :)

Hope you enjoy the next update. I'm wanting to make a place for myself on LJ but I'm too nervous to :S

BTW, I am writing a book but I doubt it will ever get anywhere. Am really happy you believe in me though so of course if it ever goes on the shelves I shall let you know :)

Vixen xxx

I'm honest not sure whether I should hate you for this story so far or not. I have been lurking around hundreds of fanfiction and plain fiction sites but I've never joined any. I guess I should congratulate you, you've been the first to make me join a site, and I joined it just because of this fic. I first started reading this fic with little hope because I had read so many that were not up to par with my standards (yes they are VERY high), but this one, this ONE fanfic has so far go above and beyond my high standards and it simply amazes me. You are the first to actually make me cry while reading a fic, and not just cry, other things as well but that is not my point. This fic is the best of the best and I wish I had found it before it was so far along simply so I could have watched it progress. Thank you for such a wonderful, heartfelt and simply amazing fanfic. -Your newest fan/follower, Nagi
A/N: Woah!
I'm absolutely elated by this review. This made me so so happy to read it. I certainly don't want to be hated though so I'm hoping you can find it in you to forgive me :P It's a real honour that you feel that my fic meets with your expectations, if slightly daunting. I can not thank you enough for this amazing review. It made my week.

I'm not sure what to say at the latter comment. I hope you didn't cry too much, though it is a compliment for me to know that one of my chapters or more made you cry. I just hope it was the appropriate bit though! Coz if it was crying from boredom, or because it was bad that is not a good thing :P As for the other comment, mums the word :P ;)

Thank you so much, a serious, heartfelt thank you from me to you because it's reviews like this that really made such a huge difference to me. They seriously pick me up from my blues and encourage me to write more, longer chapters, detailed and descriptive and only because you have requested them :) thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Vixen xxx

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Fan Art :)

Just wanted to post some images my online youtube friend made me ^_^

Let us know what you think? :)

Hermy-ninny and Draco

Hermione turns to Snape for help.

Just because she could :P

P.S I take no responsibility for the last one... :P I only wrote the fic!

Monday, 23 August 2010

Dramione- Fanfic Trailer~ Serpent's Tongues and Lion's Tails

Special thanks to all of you who make writing this fic so much darn fun! :)

I cannot thank you enough for all the wonderful messages, reviews and comments you leave/send to me. Although its not very good and this is my first proper AMV this is for you guys! Many Many MANY thanks to all of you, just for being you and sharing your thoughts with me :)

B xxx


I just got 300 hits since i updated yday morning!!! Not replying to the wonderful reviews just yet but only coz im wrkin my ass off to get aother chapter written, my art wrk bordered n framed. I hav to clean my devart page up as that's the site on my old business cards- darn it- n then hopefully i'll also hav sommat else for you :) we shall see :D

lov B xxxxxxx

i am still in love with the banner! I <3 you P :)


Saturday, 21 August 2010

small annoyance

I just had to share, that whilst I was in London, in Madame Tussaud's, there was a small room cordoned off for people to go and get photos with Robert Pattinson. Now, personally I'm not a Twilight fan. I like the plot, the story ect ect ect but I don't like Stephenie Meyers writing style. Now I'm not stupid, I know I am worse. But still, that's my opinion, please don't hate me, but I don't like it very much. Now obviously, like a good lil Potter obsessive I remain loyal to JK and I don't get the huge hubbub around the sparkly vampires. However, whilst I was there, I thought, you know, might as well. I've been twice now, both times hoping to see a Harry Potter characters section... OMG I would just end up dry humping the one of Snape... sorry. :S But anyways **wipes away the drool** I went over to the queue only to get both very excited and very angry. There, next to the queue for Robert Pattinson, being ignored was the one of Daniel Radcliffe... I was not happy :( It was hard to get a decent photo with him coz of the crowd and the way he's been positioned. So here's my photo of me and Pattinson for you to compare with the one below. Damnit! I wish i'd gotten one like that, with Daniel Radcliffe's one. :(



Ok all!
I'm ill but you have an update! :)

Please let me know if it's ok? I had really wanted to have it all unfurl in this chapter- chapter 60! the big one! But it was just too much to fit in :( It disappointed me but next time I'll know to plan it out better. Don't worry I won't drag it out till chapter 70! lol.

Got most of, if not all of the next chapter written. Was going to put them up as one but each chapter was about 13 pages long. There was no where to stop half way through the next chapter and having two of them together just made the pace drag. I hope its all ok. I'm severely sleepy so I hope it's not impaired it. :S

A big thank you to RedRain520 who made me these awesome Blingees.(and the gryffindor and Slytherin images on a previous post) :) Check out her vids on youtube :) http://www.youtube.com/user/redrain520

Thanks to people who have been msging me on here, through Hawthorn and Vine, AFF.net AND through email. I am working hard to respond to everyone because I really really appreciate every single review I get. Please, I will reply to you. I just might take a while this month as I have a hella lot on :S

B x

Still going...

I'm still diligently working on the fic's next chapter. I know it's been a long wait but I'm still going. I went to London the other week for research on a book I'm writing. I also popped into Madame Tussaud's whilst I was up there and got a few piccies. One here with Daniel Radcliffe, I look young, I can't help it lol. I get it a lot. I also am a mess because we went to Camden, the London Bridge Experience AND Madame Tussaud's and it tends to get a tad warm on the tube :S So sorry about lack of good piccie but I thought I'd put it up :)

Working hard on the next chapter, been struggling a bit and been very ill over the past week or so. I have an exhibition of mine going up next week so if things slow down again that's why.
Hope you're liking the fic!
B xxxx

Friday, 13 August 2010


Ok so check it out!!! This is the new banner and how awesome is it!!!! I LOVE it!!! This is made by P. And I have informed her that she needs to add her name to it so that she gets the credit she deserves. :)
I hope you all like it. Would be great to hear what you think. :)

Lots of thanks to P for making this masterpiece :)

can you?

Can anyone remember if I mentioned anything about Percy Weasley during this second part?

New Banner up soon.

Working on the next chapter.

Am shattered.

B xxxxx

Monday, 2 August 2010

Quick post

Hey all!

Just wanted you to know that I'm not dead!

I've been up at the hospital this week so I've had a small break. Looks like I'm potentially gonna be having this operation... Yippie. :(

But on to more amusing things. My friend Dave and I went on a trip last weekend. I decided I needed more research castle wise... So0o0ooooooo We drove over to Rockingham Castle... As you do :S


So I'm gonna be posting a few photos. An online friend has made me some blingees and when I get them in the correct format I'll post them. AND I'm off to London this weekend so expect more photos ^_^ I've already been to Platform 9 and 3/4s but I'll probs go again :P

B xxxx

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Sunday, 25 July 2010


what would be the best line to go on a banner involving my fic?


Saturday, 24 July 2010

When In Doubt...

... So that is exactly what I did.

So I've been at the library this morning researching castles once again. I got an A grade at GCSE for the work and then essay we did on Motte and Bailey castles and how they improved through time ect. However, since being on all the medication I have a brain like a sieve now, instead of a sponge- hence all the bad english mistakes too.

So I wanted to double check my information and this morning my net was coming on... going off... coming on... going off... being hit by a hammer!

I have spent about 2 hours at the library scrounging around for books that I need, particularly on the castles... 2. 2 books. 1 an hour! That is all they had in my little town library - in which I used to work.

I came home, eager to get going and guess what? ... The net is working again **face-palm.**

review Replies 2

^ Above: Just a photo of something to represent Dark Hermione. (Used in my youtube vid but not my own- Found on Google)

starlight-x-A-x 2010-07-23 id # 3001336751
no no no no no no nooooo,
harry cant be dead, he cant be dead, he's not is he? pleassseee???
i listened to desree whilst reading that (added to the whole sadness and emotion of it all), and now im crying, it's sooooo sadddd! :'(

and i still dont have the foggiest idea whats going on!

Although I'm still adoring draco, i hope he does something to help out the order more soon, i hope his allegiance stays with the light and he steps up to the plate like harry asked him too.

And i know that he's still desperately in love with hermione and has been for years and i also know that we dont actually know hermiones true allegiance and her plans for everything - so its hard to make a proper judgement, prediction or request for what you want to happen when we dont really know where were up too at the minute. , but i want him to kinda step back abit from her and focus more on the other task at hand and the order. But then again isnt that what hermione wanted him to do, hate her for what she was going to do?? or was it just that she thought he would hate her after what she does not that she wanted him too?? I cant remember. But taking that into account i wouldnt want him to be pliant in her hands and do what she wants him to do, id want him to do the opposite...

I almost just want you to pm me and tell me the ending and whats happening, lol. But that would ruin it. So i wont. (Although once this is all over i might ask you to write a summary of sorts for me, explaining what actually happened, cos i have the feeling im still not going to quite understand absolutely everything by the final chapter, afterall its so intricate and detailed and complicated, i really think i might need some of it clarifying lol)

But now i feel so depressed.
And yeah i think ive mentioned it in the last few reviews, so i do really want draco to take some decisive action with the order. But then again i also think that the fact that he's so powerful and his allegiance is truly with the light and he does try to help them as much as he can as well as being their 'dark spy', Yet they are still suffering and fighting a continually losing battle agaisnt the dark even with Draco onboard distinguishes just how much trouble they are in and have been for a long time.

And ive just realised that in every review i write i give a point, and then totally counter it, consider it and analyse it from another perspective in the next sentence. Basically makes all of my reviews null and void lol

i dont know what else to say other than great writing (as per usual) :)

Well hello indeed and thank you for another lovely review.
I'm almost sorry I made you cry but am v. v. flattered that you did :)
The problem is with all of your ideas and theories I can't mention anything. I WANT to! I want to be able to turn to someone and say this is what I'm doing, this is where I'm going and mwahahahahaaa! BUT I don't want to ruin the mystery I've been trying to build up. I don't know if it's worked or not. All I can tell you is that I am working hard so that all will be revealed and hopefully no one will be confused ^_^

i love that you leave these reviews and let me know what you're thinking. :) It only adds to the excitement of writing it. My Cat Dobbie say's hi btw :P

MY CAT- I did NOT name him. If I had I would have spelt his name correctly DOBBY not DOBBIE. :P I re-homed him. I'd always said if I got another cat (Sadly Mr Tibbs died) I would name him/her something to do with HP. :P Coz I'm sad like that. When we got to the cat sanctuary the only one there suitable to live with us (we have a dog n two other cats- now 1 other cat and 1 new kitten SQUEEE!) I went to see the cat. His name was Dobby and he jumped up and sat purring away on my shoulder. He's awesome! A bit like a parrot at times lol. He has one white paw like a sock.
He pesters me when I work. So I get nothing done :P

(I now call the kitten Malfoy- He is white except for a dark mark (get it? :P ) above his eye. And he has a grey and white striped tail)

Thanks for the review and sorry for the long reply ^_^

Wednesday, 21 July 2010


This is not mine and I found it when reading another person's fic so I will not use it in the fic. However, I wanted to post it and show you guys coz I thought it fit really well ^_^

Damaged people are the most dangerous, they know how to survive.” - Josephine Hart

Btw, would anyone be interested in being part of a mailing list and i shall email out when I update? Just a query because I've done it in the past. If anyone is interested email me or comment here ^_^


New fics

I just wanted to post here to tell you guys that after this fic I will be having a short break but only a short one.

I have had another idea in my head for a long time now to do with Draco in the Muggle world.

My other fic idea already has a name.
Hermione of the Grange.

Just thought I'd throw it out there and let you know ^_^

B xxx

Review Replies

Thought i'd get back to you lovely people who take your time to review my fic. It always leaves me feeling warm and fuzzy and I am simply honoured that you do so :) Thank you immensely.

starlight-x-A-x 2010-07-08 id # 3001335436
i really cant tell whats going on!!
soemtimes i wonder what hermiones true allegiances are, if killing harry is really what she wants to do? I really cant tell.

but i can tell you that as previously she really winds me up!! seriously could she be anymore frustrating, and if the order do win, shes not guna just get away with all this if she truly was on the dark side, unless of course she dies, which would solve that problem, and im not sure if your fic will have a 'happy' ending.

i hope draco manages to save ginny and harry, after all, what harry said still stands, he cant be killed to save the life of one when the whole world restS on his shoulders, (except of course if that one person is your wife).
but all my doubts and frustrations of the character should be a credit to your writing for making me feel that way. But by frigging jesus on a bicycle her vendetta and hatred and resolute belief that harry /should die/ extremely gets on my wick!

: P

Starlight-x-A-x - HAHA! This is my cruel side coming out. I want to keep you all guessing for as long as possible. As much as I'm sure you can picture me here with a fag protruding from my mouth and a derisive mouth slipping from my lips everytime I exhale I assure you I am not. The image here is more one of avid stress! lol. My keyboard is smoking, not me. I have been typing, checking, rechecking and really putting my all into these chapters so that when all is revealed it all makes sense.
A question for you. Why wouldn't she want to kill Harry?
He abandoned her after being her best friend for years. When he left she was tortured both mentally and physically- because apparently I didn't realise I was such a sadist until I wrote this. Because of him the pathway to Malfoy was left clearer. Ok not completely, she still had Ginny and Neville, but Hermione is a proud lady. Not only did she not want to endanger them, and to prove to them that she could be as strong as Harry and protect them. She also couldn't bare the shame of admitting what she'd done.
I am hoping that the frustration you feel is only that which I intended through the character and that it's not severe enough to put you off reading. :S I 'want' you to be annoyed at Hermione, like Draco is. Everyone should be. BUT I don't want it to be to the point that everyone is put off reading the fic.

I will reply to your later review in another post but for now I must get back to typing chapter 50. Chapter 49 will probably be up by friday night ready for people to read at the weekend. Unless you would like me to wait and only post it when chapter 50 is up? Either way I don't see there being a long wait between posts. Thanks so much for the wonderful reviews.
B xxx



You people better be grateful for these next few chapters!! :'( **wails from lack of sleep!** D':

Anyways I remembered some old icons I used to have and I thought i'd show them.

I also have a sketch here to go with the fic ^_^

Tuesday, 20 July 2010


Ok so, brownie points to anyone who can tell me if there was ever a point that Draco got his wand taken off of him using expelliarmus? PLease help? :S

B xxx

Monday, 19 July 2010

Work, work, work

So i've spent all of yesterday morning and the previous night working on the fic. I then edited some of it this morning following corrections made by Hawthorn and Vine's mods. :) I am shattered but happily so. Hoping you like the next chapter. Would be good to hear form you all. In the mean time I forgot I had this:

Nervous Hermione:

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Meticulous much?

this is how damned meticulous I am!!!

Date Sunrise Sunset Length Change Dawn Dusk Length Change
Today 05:04 21:08 16:04 04:20 21:52 17:32
+1 day 05:05 21:07 16:02 00:02 shorter 04:22 21:51 17:29 00:03 shorter
+1 week 05:14 20:59 15:45 00:19 shorter 04:31 21:42 17:11 00:21 shorter
+2 weeks 05:24 20:49 15:25 00:39 shorter 04:43 21:29 16:46 00:46 shorter
+1 month 05:49 20:19 14:30 01:34 shorter 05:11 20:56 15:45 01:47 shorter
+2 months 06:37 19:13 12:36 03:28 shorter 06:03 19:47 13:44 03:48 shorter
+3 months 07:26 18:05 10:39 05:25 shorter 06:52 18:39 11:47 05:45 shorter
+6 months 07:59 16:22 8:23 07:41 shorter 07:20 17:00 9:40 07:52 shorter
Notes: Daylight saving time, * = Next day. Change preferences.

I even checked for chapter 58
There was a lot of info in there that I used from all I learnt in history at GCSE and A level. I LOVE history. When you think of the headquarters you may wana look at photos of castles such as: Arundel Castle http://www.anglotopia.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/2626941463_90f68bc54e.jpg and Alnwick Castle (which is used in the Potter films.)
For those of you not in England who aren't so sure what I'm on about with the castle I am sorry. I tried not to write it as though it was restricted to being based in England just so those of you all over the world can imagine what you like. However, I felt it was important to describe the castle. Imagine buildings a bit like those in LOTR films and then downsize them into a castle.
To those of you in England who may scream about Warwick castle being a good castle for the base of it I decided against it. Not because I don't like it. I really do. However, I didn't want it to look too much like a motte and bailey castle. I wanted the adjustments made to show it more as a dark palace. Voldy would be arrogant and believe the outer defences were not needed. In the fic there is a wall around the sides of the castle but only a few deatheaters are put to guard there. Over time and little attacks they would have become confident and complacent.

Just thought i'd share :)

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Title Suggestions

Just thought it would be fun to see if you had any alternative names for my fic?

Also, if anyone feels like making me a banner I could feature I would love to hear from you.